Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Your Guardian Spirit

I wonder if we have spirit guardians, who appear in the form of animals. I wonder if we have wyakin's, as the Native Americans of long ago America would have said. A 'wyakin' is your animal equivalent, your guardian angel. It might show you the way, or give you help, in a time of need.A playful  person's wyakin might take the form of a sea otter, which are very playful. In other words, the wyakin takes form according to the personality of the person it represents.I wonder if we were all changed into animals, would we change into the very animal our wyakin is? I wonder if we are like wyakins to other great spirits, our differences making us like different animals.

1 comment:

  1. Remind me to show you the book I have about spirit animals!
