Thursday, October 24, 2013

The "Sugar High" Theory

If you eat enough sugar, would you really get "sugar high"? The theory is, that if you eat lots of sugar, you will get hyperactive, and your physical ability and brainpower will speed up, get "better". My brother says that his friend got hyperactive when he was eating some pie (I guess the pie had a few tablespoons of sugar in it, or something). He must have been pretty hyper already, because I don't think that one slice of pie could get you that hyper,(enough to jump over a few tables) unless it was made of pure sugar, and at least a foot long (maybe). I wonder if you could use this "sugar high" thing to cheat, like if you got all hyper before a test, and then ace it, because your brain power would be extra speedy. Hmm...

1 comment:

  1. You might look into how much energy your brain requires compared to the rest of your body. I have read that some scientists have refuted the "sugar high" effect. Now, coffee is another story....
