Thursday, October 17, 2013

Our 'Amazing' Dystopian Future

I've always liked Dystopian stories, and that's why the hunger games is a personal favourite of mine. I wonder if 'Panem' from the hunger games is modelled after our world, after a World War III. If we were forced into a " serve or die" kind of situation, how would we react, to being forced to serve? My guess, if the controlling force were strong enough, we would go into some kind of silent rebellion, disobeying discreetly, and making them never suspect, kind of like being A+ student by day, and juvenile delinquent by night, modelled after  Miss Katniss Everdeen, the terror of the Capitol (with accent and all). "Daahling, your going to look most elegant." That's what Effie says. *rolls eyes*


  1. You might try to read a children's history of Rome to see where the author got some ideas for Panem's society.
