Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The History of Theft

Since the medieval era, thieves have been thirsting for many things, from gold and jewels, to eggs and ham (I'm not kidding, in medieval times, when there were food shortages, people would loot others for food). If there was a rich nobleman living nearby, then chances are, all kinds of thieves would be looting him from head to foot. It wasn't a very good idea to live in the middle of a poor village,when you're filthy rich. Especially not good if that village is famed for thievery. Especially now, when many great treasures have, and are being found. There is a difference, between the time when people put sticks and pieces of wood across their doors, and now, when we have high tech lasers, motion detectors, etc. I could go on and on, but let's not. Thieves have many methods of stealing, from busting a hole in the wall, to parachuting from a helicopter. well, that's all for today. Time to go rob the museum's new exhibit, a giant diamond. *wink, wink*

1 comment:

  1. Theft happened way before the medieval period.... and during that time it could be a problem to literally have someone break through a wall and steal things, because ordinary people's houses were often made from soft materials like wattle and daub. But the "filthy rich" lived somewhat separately and in more sturdy buildings. And the rich provided essential things to the rest of the people, so that unless they were truly greedy and cruel, you wouldn't have thought to steal from them. (The rich also enforced laws and had the real weapons, so...)
