Tuesday, October 15, 2013

In Our Past Lives

I wonder if people 'reincarnate'. If so, what would we have been like in our past lives? Is that old man next door a reincarnation of Queen Nefertiti? I wonder if it is possible to have something seemingly unimportant, like the smallest ant, reincarnate into something like a great king, ruler over many. If I had died, what would I reincarnate into? What is the order? What is the system? Reincarnation might be a free willed power, or maybe the conjoined power of many. If you do many good deeds in a lifetime, does that effect what you reincarnate into? If everyone on earth reincarnated into an animal, would you and your soul mate be the same animal? Or would we all reincarnate into the same type of animal, the same species? 

1 comment:

  1. These are all wonderful questions. Some people, of course, believe that there is a single life and afterlife, with no coming back. Others believe that we can be reincarnated as animals, if we need to develop ourselves more in certain ways. Still others believe that we can only be reincarnated as people. The "conjoined power of many" is what I think the idea of karma is, to some degree.
