Monday, October 14, 2013

In the Afterlife


 Death is fascinating. Sad, but it interests me. I wonder were your soul goes when you die. There are so many myths that all say different things, but which one says the truth? Do you go to the Underworld and the Fields of Asphodel, like Greek legends say? Do you go to Valhalla and eternally feast with Odin and Thor? Or does Maat weigh your good deeds against her feather and give you the magic spells to go to the afterlife, as the Egyptians think? Or do you go to heaven and greet God and his son, Jesus,  as in Christian religion? Or, if you have unfinished business on earth, have your soul drift on earth, a 'ghost', or 'ghoul'. I think of ghosts as simply restless souls, denied a final peace. Rumours of ghosts 'haunting' people are most likely untrue, as the spirits might only need a bit of assistance to reach the next life, and a final peace. Yes, these spirits might have supernatural powers, randomly given to them, in their passage from life, to the realm of death.If you were to die, were do you think you would go?


  1. What about reincarnation, where you don't go away permanently but come back again?

  2. I feel a another post coming along...
