Saturday, October 26, 2013

The World of Warcraft

Compare the World War II, and America's Civil war. They both center around the discrimination of other people who are different, in skin colour, or religion. Some people wanted them dead, or lowered in all eyes. Some, like the Northern States in the Civil War, fight for freedom and equality of all people. Wars have changed many things, including people's lives, laws, and many other things. Take, for example, The World Trade Center, not a discriminative war, but it killed so many people, changed so many lives, and was a national obsession (national tragedy, too). Wars are, in a way, useless, a strategy devised to kill, nothing more. Why fight when you lose much and win nothing? Even if you win that battle, the enemy will just keep coming. You can never truly "win" a war.

1 comment:

  1. Some historians believe that the Germans embraced Nazi rhetoric and plans for European domination because of the humiliation of their defeat and economic sanctions after World War I. The 9/11 attacks were more of a guerrilla tactic of modern terrorism, not a war in the conventional sense but a new form of violent resistance. War has been a part of human history for as long as we have any records, sad to say. Maybe someday we'll decide to use other ways to resolve conflicts.
