Monday, October 28, 2013

The Technological Era

I wonder when "technology" was really invented. Did it start with the primitive invention of the wheel? Or did it start when medieval peoples made their first weapons? Or maybe when the primitive Homo Sapiens began to hunt and gather? Some people call this the technological era because there are so many automated escapes, forms of computerized entertainment. Some people think that we will soon have everything in a form of code, nothing truly natural. Hmm...., that sounds kind of dystopian. 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The World of Warcraft

Compare the World War II, and America's Civil war. They both center around the discrimination of other people who are different, in skin colour, or religion. Some people wanted them dead, or lowered in all eyes. Some, like the Northern States in the Civil War, fight for freedom and equality of all people. Wars have changed many things, including people's lives, laws, and many other things. Take, for example, The World Trade Center, not a discriminative war, but it killed so many people, changed so many lives, and was a national obsession (national tragedy, too). Wars are, in a way, useless, a strategy devised to kill, nothing more. Why fight when you lose much and win nothing? Even if you win that battle, the enemy will just keep coming. You can never truly "win" a war.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The "Sugar High" Theory

If you eat enough sugar, would you really get "sugar high"? The theory is, that if you eat lots of sugar, you will get hyperactive, and your physical ability and brainpower will speed up, get "better". My brother says that his friend got hyperactive when he was eating some pie (I guess the pie had a few tablespoons of sugar in it, or something). He must have been pretty hyper already, because I don't think that one slice of pie could get you that hyper,(enough to jump over a few tables) unless it was made of pure sugar, and at least a foot long (maybe). I wonder if you could use this "sugar high" thing to cheat, like if you got all hyper before a test, and then ace it, because your brain power would be extra speedy. Hmm...

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Animal Intelligence

Photo: Cat staring straight aheadPhoto: Cat staring straight ahead

The CIA and other government operations have been training animals as spies for a long time. Pigeons trained to deliver secret messages, hawks trained to record conversations, and even dolphins trained to transport nuclear weapons underwater. Animals had their part in the Cold War. Some even argue that animal spies were better than human or robot ones. For instance, animals are more inconspicuous than a gun wielding robot, or some guy in a trench coat. Others argue that animals don't have the brain power to make the mistakes that a human spy might. Some that are against this idea say that animals brainpower constricts them more than it befits them. That probably isn't true, but, you know people. When they get their minds stuck on something, they just won't let it go. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The History of History

 When in time was "our" history started to be recorded? When the ancient Greeks and Romans began to philosophize about were we came from? Or did it start when ancient Victorians recorded the heavens? (what they could see of them.) There are many arguments about how our world and all others came to be. The typical scientific approach, the Big Bang theory, compared the Christian Religion, thinking God made the earth and sent Jesus. Other religions and theories say different, but I'm not one to go on and on. The real question is, which theory or religious picture do you believe?

The History of Theft

Since the medieval era, thieves have been thirsting for many things, from gold and jewels, to eggs and ham (I'm not kidding, in medieval times, when there were food shortages, people would loot others for food). If there was a rich nobleman living nearby, then chances are, all kinds of thieves would be looting him from head to foot. It wasn't a very good idea to live in the middle of a poor village,when you're filthy rich. Especially not good if that village is famed for thievery. Especially now, when many great treasures have, and are being found. There is a difference, between the time when people put sticks and pieces of wood across their doors, and now, when we have high tech lasers, motion detectors, etc. I could go on and on, but let's not. Thieves have many methods of stealing, from busting a hole in the wall, to parachuting from a helicopter. well, that's all for today. Time to go rob the museum's new exhibit, a giant diamond. *wink, wink*

Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Future of the Time Machine

If we were to truly harness the power of time travel into a 'time machine', what would we use it for? would we go forward and prevent the earth from eventually being destroyed? Or would we use it to go and rob both future and past earths of their resources? Or would the 'genius' who invented it use for, simply, thrills and fun? No, the CIA would be busting down his/her door in minutes. Scratch that, seconds. Would this wonderful 'time machine' be widely distributed, or be kept private, and forgotten, until a time of need? I think the latter, because if it was a worldwide 'trend', then everyone would be travelling all over, and  getting stuck, accidentally leaving it in the past, (or future) and causing all kinds of trouble. Who could the government 'trust', to use the time machine appropriately, and not cause trouble and mayhem for all inhabitance of this planet, and, possibly, all others. Say, if someone went back to the time of the Big Bang, their very presence might change if the Earth, or any of the other planets, even the sun, even will exist. That's a happy thought. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Our 'Amazing' Dystopian Future

I've always liked Dystopian stories, and that's why the hunger games is a personal favourite of mine. I wonder if 'Panem' from the hunger games is modelled after our world, after a World War III. If we were forced into a " serve or die" kind of situation, how would we react, to being forced to serve? My guess, if the controlling force were strong enough, we would go into some kind of silent rebellion, disobeying discreetly, and making them never suspect, kind of like being A+ student by day, and juvenile delinquent by night, modelled after  Miss Katniss Everdeen, the terror of the Capitol (with accent and all). "Daahling, your going to look most elegant." That's what Effie says. *rolls eyes*

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Your Guardian Spirit

I wonder if we have spirit guardians, who appear in the form of animals. I wonder if we have wyakin's, as the Native Americans of long ago America would have said. A 'wyakin' is your animal equivalent, your guardian angel. It might show you the way, or give you help, in a time of need.A playful  person's wyakin might take the form of a sea otter, which are very playful. In other words, the wyakin takes form according to the personality of the person it represents.I wonder if we were all changed into animals, would we change into the very animal our wyakin is? I wonder if we are like wyakins to other great spirits, our differences making us like different animals.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

In Our Past Lives

I wonder if people 'reincarnate'. If so, what would we have been like in our past lives? Is that old man next door a reincarnation of Queen Nefertiti? I wonder if it is possible to have something seemingly unimportant, like the smallest ant, reincarnate into something like a great king, ruler over many. If I had died, what would I reincarnate into? What is the order? What is the system? Reincarnation might be a free willed power, or maybe the conjoined power of many. If you do many good deeds in a lifetime, does that effect what you reincarnate into? If everyone on earth reincarnated into an animal, would you and your soul mate be the same animal? Or would we all reincarnate into the same type of animal, the same species? 

Monday, October 14, 2013

In the Afterlife


 Death is fascinating. Sad, but it interests me. I wonder were your soul goes when you die. There are so many myths that all say different things, but which one says the truth? Do you go to the Underworld and the Fields of Asphodel, like Greek legends say? Do you go to Valhalla and eternally feast with Odin and Thor? Or does Maat weigh your good deeds against her feather and give you the magic spells to go to the afterlife, as the Egyptians think? Or do you go to heaven and greet God and his son, Jesus,  as in Christian religion? Or, if you have unfinished business on earth, have your soul drift on earth, a 'ghost', or 'ghoul'. I think of ghosts as simply restless souls, denied a final peace. Rumours of ghosts 'haunting' people are most likely untrue, as the spirits might only need a bit of assistance to reach the next life, and a final peace. Yes, these spirits might have supernatural powers, randomly given to them, in their passage from life, to the realm of death.If you were to die, were do you think you would go?

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Invasion of the Strange

If we were to be invaded by an unknown species, how would we prepare our planet, for an invasion of the strange? Would we cower in underground bunkers, behind battlements, or would we go on offensive, and seek to drive them away. This all depends on what the aliens think of us, if they are friendly or hostile.If, say they were friendly, and wished to share there knowledge and lifestyle, if they wished us to live in harmony and peace, in the end, might one species overrule the other? Would the 'lower' species be forced into an age of slavery and tyranny, having to serve with every breath the other? If we were the species forced to serve, would we rebel, and fight for freedom and equality? Would we be able to set aside our differences and join together, and up-rise as one? Or would our rebellion crumble, as we fight within ourselves. If disaster came for all, would we sacrifice ourselves to save the very ones, who, for so many years, have tortured us, shunned us, and made us serve?  

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Not What We Think

Haven't you ever wondered if we aren't alone in this universe? I think that there is a highly intelligent species in a different galaxy, much more advanced than we are, that have been watching us evolve and invent, even as their planet is becoming more advanced daily. My guess is that they are vaguely 'humanoid', as we say, and think we are, in there eyes, primitive, yet bear some uncanny resemblance to their species. They must think our methods are strange, like we might think if we knew they existed. There names might be outlandish and strange to us, but somehow familiar, as language is animal instinct, as we are all animals. They would think that we were strange creatures, and study us, lock us up, so all could see us, if, somehow, we were able to travel to their planet, in their galaxy. They might have already mastered time travel, like we strain to do, will no avail. If we found them, our fruitless search for other life might not be so fruitless any more.