Monday, November 25, 2013


This years blockbuster film: Catching Fire 

This year, the main film almost everyone is yearning to see is the sequel to The Hunger Games, Catching Fire. The cast has worked exceptionally hard to produce both of these amazing films, but I have a bit of criteria to share. In The Hunger Games book Katniss' friend Madge gives Katniss her mockingjay pin, but in the movie, Katniss gets it from the Hob, the black market. Both movies don't perfectly follow the book, like in Catching Fire movie, when Gale gets whipped, it's because he stopped a Peackeeper from hurting someone, but in the book, he goes to the head peacekeepers house to sell him an illegally hunted turkey, because the peacekeeper they had then liked a cut of the game, and instead found a more strict and cruel head peacekeeper, and he lies about hunting it, and says he found it by the fence and killed it with a stick. Hunting is banned, so he could get killed for it. Instead of getting killed, he only gets whipped. When Katniss tries to stop the whipping, she gets whipped in the cheek, but, 'cause she's the Capitol's favorite, she stops Gale from being whipped anymore and brings him to her mother to be healed. For that reason and a few others, I personally prefer the books. I wonder what the final movie will be like. Hmm......


  1. Lots of movies change things from the books on which they are based... sometimes it's acceptable, and sometimes a true fan must reject it!

    P.S. The color of the text in your post is awfully hard to read....

  2. I don't know what happened to the color. I didn't do anything to it.
