Thursday, November 21, 2013

Post #18/Survival Stories

This tale's atmosphere is entirely different from the previous tale. This story takes place in Malibu, where a young man is spending his honeymoon in bliss. This particular young man is currently following his passion. His passion? Swimming, in fact. And, being swimming, he is particularly happy. Up until a shark fin in the water comes weaving towards him. He is frantically swimming towards shore, when the shark grabs his leg in its jaws. His first thought is: "Oh my god there's a shark on my leg." Then he punches it in the nose. It takes a few more punches to get the shark off, but it finally lets go. When he makes it to shore, he looks down at his leg. "I try to refrain from freaking out" he says, "when I look down and see nothing but tissue and bone (and a whole lot of blood in the water). " At the hospital, he undergoes an emergency operation that saves the rest of his leg. He is fitted with a prosthetic leg, but even that horrifying experience only exceeds his love of swimming. "When I look down at my replacement leg, it makes me feel proud, that I got bit by a shark and survived."

1 comment:

  1. That was an amazing story! Sharks are common off the California coast, but luckily they rarely attack anyone.
