Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Mutt the Match of a Man

In these next few posts, I will tell you amazing stories of survival, in very extreme conditions. This story is that of a mutt the match of a man. 

 When Dosha, a mutt from the animal shelter, got bored in her owners backyard, jumped the fence and ran straight into the path of a truck, barrelling down the street. A police man nearby came to the scene of the accident, and shot Dosha in the head, to end any further suffering. She was then taken to the animal shelter, where they put her into a freezer, where her body would be preserved, until they could bury her. When a veterinarian came to check on her several hours later, miraculously, she was sitting up!! Evidentially, she had survived the truck hitting her, and the policeman's shot missed her brain, and instead, it scraped her jaw. She lived a very happy ( and safe) life after that, under the very watchful eye of her owners.

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