Monday, November 25, 2013


This years blockbuster film: Catching Fire 

This year, the main film almost everyone is yearning to see is the sequel to The Hunger Games, Catching Fire. The cast has worked exceptionally hard to produce both of these amazing films, but I have a bit of criteria to share. In The Hunger Games book Katniss' friend Madge gives Katniss her mockingjay pin, but in the movie, Katniss gets it from the Hob, the black market. Both movies don't perfectly follow the book, like in Catching Fire movie, when Gale gets whipped, it's because he stopped a Peackeeper from hurting someone, but in the book, he goes to the head peacekeepers house to sell him an illegally hunted turkey, because the peacekeeper they had then liked a cut of the game, and instead found a more strict and cruel head peacekeeper, and he lies about hunting it, and says he found it by the fence and killed it with a stick. Hunting is banned, so he could get killed for it. Instead of getting killed, he only gets whipped. When Katniss tries to stop the whipping, she gets whipped in the cheek, but, 'cause she's the Capitol's favorite, she stops Gale from being whipped anymore and brings him to her mother to be healed. For that reason and a few others, I personally prefer the books. I wonder what the final movie will be like. Hmm......

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Post #18/Survival Stories

This tale's atmosphere is entirely different from the previous tale. This story takes place in Malibu, where a young man is spending his honeymoon in bliss. This particular young man is currently following his passion. His passion? Swimming, in fact. And, being swimming, he is particularly happy. Up until a shark fin in the water comes weaving towards him. He is frantically swimming towards shore, when the shark grabs his leg in its jaws. His first thought is: "Oh my god there's a shark on my leg." Then he punches it in the nose. It takes a few more punches to get the shark off, but it finally lets go. When he makes it to shore, he looks down at his leg. "I try to refrain from freaking out" he says, "when I look down and see nothing but tissue and bone (and a whole lot of blood in the water). " At the hospital, he undergoes an emergency operation that saves the rest of his leg. He is fitted with a prosthetic leg, but even that horrifying experience only exceeds his love of swimming. "When I look down at my replacement leg, it makes me feel proud, that I got bit by a shark and survived."

Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Mutt the Match of a Man

In these next few posts, I will tell you amazing stories of survival, in very extreme conditions. This story is that of a mutt the match of a man. 

 When Dosha, a mutt from the animal shelter, got bored in her owners backyard, jumped the fence and ran straight into the path of a truck, barrelling down the street. A police man nearby came to the scene of the accident, and shot Dosha in the head, to end any further suffering. She was then taken to the animal shelter, where they put her into a freezer, where her body would be preserved, until they could bury her. When a veterinarian came to check on her several hours later, miraculously, she was sitting up!! Evidentially, she had survived the truck hitting her, and the policeman's shot missed her brain, and instead, it scraped her jaw. She lived a very happy ( and safe) life after that, under the very watchful eye of her owners.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Have you read the book "Ready Player One"? I personally think it is the best book in the universe, and have already read it multiple times. In this particular book, a genius and his friend have invented a virtual reality program called OASIS. OASIS is the next best thing to reality. Its haptic gloves give the illusion of actually touching virtual objects and surfaces. Its sleek visor uses lasers to scan the image of the virtual world right on to the wearer's retinas, completely covering their field of vision. In contrast, the real world looks fuzzy and out of proportion. The creator of this virtual world, James Halliday, was a millionaire who died a supposedly friendless bachelor. So, having no heirs, he hid his vast fortune inside the game he put his soul into. Okay, enough story time.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Apocolyptic Earth

It is rumoured that,in the year of 5000, the sun will explode, and the earth, along with all other life, will die. If this apocalypse happened, say, 4886 years shy of its predicted date, in 2014, what would we do? Would technology be prepared enough for the end of the world? If it were, where would we take our giant spaceship, loaded with the "essentials" to survive? Where would we then call home? If, like in Beth Revis's "Across the Universe" trilogy, would we have already sent a fraction of our species to find that perfect place, our Centuari- Earth? I would be greatly surprised if this predicted apocalypse happened, and, if it happened, that we were prepared enough to survive it. I say we load up a starship and get the heck out of here now!!!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Stress Free Life

Some people say(like me) that, if you own a pet, you will have a more stress free life. Like, for example, if you are stressing out over something, you just look at your cute pet, and you relax, and laugh. I totally agree with this, because, take therapy dogs, for example. Their very jobs are to help people laugh. They are used to help people that have had surgery, and/or have been in an accident. If you live in a metropolis, or are really stressed, it might be a really good idea to purchase a pet immediately(preferably from the animal shelter).