Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Unwanteds

There was this book I just read, called The Unwanteds by Lisa McMann. It was set in the dystopian world of Quill. In Quill, when you reached 13 years of age, you were put into one of three groups: the strong, smart Wanteds who would go to the University, the Neccessary, who just barely squeak by, and the artistic Unwanteds, who are sent to their death. In the barren land of Quill, creativity is a death sentence. The Unwanteds are sent to the Death Farm, and supposedly thrown into the Great Lake Of Boiling Oil. But when Unwanted Alex Stowe is sent to his death, he, like so many Unwanteds before him, discovers a magician call Marcus Today. Mr.Today has created the magical world of Artime, where creativity is considered a gift, and a magical weapon. Want to find out about the flying cheetah? Read the book.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds really good! I wonder if there is a site somewhere for kids to post book reviews.... I'll have to look.
