Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Bar Code Tattoo

Once I read this amazing dystopian book called Bar Code Tattoo.It was about this 16 year-old girl called Kayla. In her world, everything was controlled by a company called Global-1. The latest thing was a thing called the bar code tattoo. It was a tattoo in the form of a bar code that held all your medical information, your money, and everything about you. Kayla's dad dies, and her mother says that the bar code killed him. At her school, there is a group called Decode headed by politician Dave Young. They claim that the bar code is an invasion of your privacy, and that it does something strange to your life. Some people with the bar code are rocketing unnaturally to success. For some people, like Kayla's friend Amber, the bar code ruins their life. It "malfunctions", so they can no longer use it, or it messes up their information. As Kayla decides to not get the tattoo, a law is passed that all teens without a bar code will be arrested. A bit of advice: READ. IT. NOW.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Unwanteds

There was this book I just read, called The Unwanteds by Lisa McMann. It was set in the dystopian world of Quill. In Quill, when you reached 13 years of age, you were put into one of three groups: the strong, smart Wanteds who would go to the University, the Neccessary, who just barely squeak by, and the artistic Unwanteds, who are sent to their death. In the barren land of Quill, creativity is a death sentence. The Unwanteds are sent to the Death Farm, and supposedly thrown into the Great Lake Of Boiling Oil. But when Unwanted Alex Stowe is sent to his death, he, like so many Unwanteds before him, discovers a magician call Marcus Today. Mr.Today has created the magical world of Artime, where creativity is considered a gift, and a magical weapon. Want to find out about the flying cheetah? Read the book.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Mystic Worlds

I think that the world has many levels, multiple planes of existence. Each plane has its own horrors, its own delights. Each plane is ruled by a specific race of creatures. All the planes are copies of this Earth, just modified to support its own population. You might planeswalk in San Francisco, and come out in the same place, but the city might be floating thousands of feet in the air. Or it might be on top of an active volcano. Or everybody might be robots. There is a plane for every fantasy the human mind has ever created, and it is exact in detail to what that person has imagined. Even if that person hasn't consciously imagined that world, it will be created. All your dreams can come true if you know how to planeswalk. How to planeswalk, you ask? Well! Planeswalking is an ancient art that is only known to exactly 42 people. Those peoples numbers are quickly dwindling. By the end of 2018, there will be none left. All of those magical realms will be cut off from this world. Perhaps it is for the better. If everybody had the power to make there dreams come true, then the world would be plunged into darkness. The 42 people who know how to planeswalk have to be sucked of their pride, and their thirst for power. Their lives are lonely lives, every waking moment spent training to planeswalk. The art of planeswalking is best kept secret.