Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Back in Time

I once saw a movie series called Terra Nova, where humanity had used up all of earth's resources, and, to escape, the mom of a young family is recruited by the project Terra Nova. Project Terra Nova is an effort to get rid of some of earth's population, to give people a second chance. Scientists found a fracture in time, going all the way back several thousand years, to the age of dinosaurs. So, by use of a portal, they send people back in several pilgrimages, and this young family is sent back on the tenth pilgrimage. The original purpose of the time portal was to go back and strip mine all of that world. The whole series is about the family discovering that, and then trying to prevent it. There was supposed to be a second series, because the last episode was a total cliffhanger,  but it was cancelled (Arrrgh!! Darn you, producers!!). Anyway, wouldn't it be great if we had that opportunity?